Sunday, December 12, 2010

Guinea "Type"

Is this the only good thing to ever come from DaFont? Hmm maybe.... Click on the image to see the whole thing. Thanks to Nickel for this one.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Found Footage

This amazing Guinea Pig care video was found on the Found Footage Festival website. Awesome.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday!

It's my birthday tomorrow, and I thought I would share a little Guinea Birthday cheer. These are cakes given to me by my parents this year and last year. I'm turning 28 and nothing makes me happier than a Guinea cake.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What a cute little GP icon! By Draplin Design Co.

Monday, August 16, 2010

My Guinea Pig By Laura

Once upon a time, my sister (LPS) made this book. I think it really speaks to the love we had for our Guineas. I also have to say, LPS was pretty insightful, even as a small child. I mean look at this passage...

(My guinea pig stays still, but when you go close to him, he runs away.)

I'd say this gives you a good idea of what the book entails... Though there were a few pages devoted to my dad kicking a cat over the fence. Just a side story. Anyway I think she could draw a great Guinea -- who knew she would be a math major with skillz like these! Shout out to LPS!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Today I feel like this Guinea.

Josie the guinea pig 'Lounging around' 2
Originally uploaded by fizzyjess

I Completely Know About Guinea Pigs

This is an adorable kids book about Charlie and Lola and a Guinea named Bert. I have already bought this at least twice for various kids in hopes of spreading my Guinea Pig Agenda. I purchased mine from here.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day!

I was feeling pretty bummed this Canada day. I was stuck at work and missing my family. Then. I found. THIS.

Friggin' Guinea Pig Playmobil??? Is this my one and only dream in life????? I think so.

Then, I found more!!

What does Guinea Pig Playmobil have to do with Canada Day? Well nothing really except that I enjoy it as much as fireworks, beer and celebrating the Birthday of one of my countries. Happy Canada Day to me!! ... and to you!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Texts from last night


you were eating the carrots out of my guinea pig's cage and saying that you needed them more than they ever would.

View thread here.

Spotted by Kelly.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Submitted by J2000

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cavy Culture

I love this I love this I love this I love this.

Where's the Guinea you say? That bunnyguineahorse type thing is a Mara. I have wanted one for my whole life (since I saw it in the 'Animals of the World' book someone brought into work last year). It is a relation of the Guinea Pig, therefore I consider it in the Guinea Culture category. Soo cute!!! Click here to see a person holding it -- adorable and HILARIOUS. Move over puggles and pompapoos -- Mara's are the new designer pet.

Is it a Guinea?

We think so. Afterall, it seems that this would happen if a Guinea tried to eat cupcakes.

Shoutout to JZ fo this one!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Guinea blog love (outfits)/Guinea blog hate (jewelry)

GP Fashion featured on URLesque (via HeyLookAnimals). I can't believe they are not selling them anymore! Buutt, my GPS are certainly too fat for clothes anyway. However, I did find this -- WHAT? AND this -- SERIOUSLY?? First Guinea Blog hate -- putting crappy photos on JEWELRY. What??? DON'T DO IT. Even if it is Guineas.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cute Guinea Tuesday: Mr. Baby

Mr. Baby on a sunny Sunday morning.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Guinea Love

Just go here. I don't want to spoil it with a picture.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Guinea Between the Worlds

I found this little pocket mirror on Etsy today, made by parsnip & pear. Not only is it adorable, but it depicts a scene from one of my favorite stories, The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis (the first in The Chronicles of Narnia). The illustrations in this copy of this book are by Pauline Baynes.

You may recall that in the story, the EVIL Uncle Andrew used cute, sweet, innocent little Guinea's to test his magic rings. As Uncle Andrew put it: "My earlier experiments were all failures. I tried them on guinea-pigs. Some of them only died. Some exploded like little bombs--."

What!! Creep.

Then later Polly and Digory (the guinea lovin' good guys) are in 'The Wood Between the Worlds' (you'll just have to read it if you have no idea what I'm talking about): "Why! it's a guinea-pig," said the girl [Polly]. And it was--a fat guinea-pig nosing about in the grass. But round the middle of the guinea-pig there ran a tape, and, tied on to it by the tape, was a bright yellow ring."

This is the scene depicted in the image at the top.

Thankfully, Polly and Digory decide to leave the GP to eat grass in 'The Wood Between the Worlds' for all eternity, rather than take it back to HORRIBLE Uncle Andrew. A happy ending!! Well actually there's more to the story (the Guinea part is pretty small), but it is a happy ending in regards to Guinea Culture anyway. This book is for a younger audience, but is a classic. If you haven't read it and love The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, you have to read this -- it explains how the wardrobe came about and who the professor is, among other things... and even better... there is at least one cute G to be found within its pages.

Guerilla Guins

Another sighting. From Nickel.

Guinea-ing around town

Guineas by Nickel, spotted at the Hideout and the beach in Grand Haven.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Monthly Guineas

This is a calendar I saw while recently in the UK. From what I can tell, the English have a way better appreciation for Guinea Culture than people over here in the US. Click here to see all the images, or here to see the publisher's site. Jeez and only £9.99... I should have bought it.

Bing Cavy

Watch this YouTube video. Just watch it. I want you to be as disturbed as I was. Buuuuttt also I kinda like it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Guinea Pig Tricks: The Circle

So apparently you can teach your G's to do tricks. This did not work with Maple Dip, but I will try with Bear and the Little Guinea one of these days. This particular trick is 'the circle.' I love this little ginger guy, his name is Gary. Click on Gary-man to see the YouTube video.

A giant love for Guineas!

Whoa, look at these Guineas! They are huge! These kids are awesome, I love all the huge GPs on their site.

Looks like these guys have a great time with their Guineas, check out the maze and giant cage (of course you need a giant cage for giant GPs!).

Saturday, May 8, 2010

About Guinea Pigs

"Dear Friend:
Suppose I came to you..........sat facing you........and made you this proposition:--

To furnish you with an animal which is one of the fastest breeders and money makers known.

An animal less harmful than our cats and dogs or any other pets you may have.

An animal which has greater commercial demand than all other pet animals combined.

An animal that gives his life blood that you and I and other humans may live.

An animal from which more can be made during your spare time than you now earn all week.

An animal which could eventually make you independent of all other labor. You would undoubtedly say. "Show me."

----------------- THAT'S JUST WHAT I'LL DO -----------------"

Ok, I will stop there. This books knows what's up -- Guineas are the S. Too bad the whole point of this book is raising GPs to sell to laboratories, that part is not the S. Anyway, it is a pretty hilarious piece of history. You pick it up thinking that it will be a book on Guinea care. Instead it claims you can pay your way through college by selling Guineas. Hmm, my only problem would be that I would want to KEEP all the Guineas. Anyway, shout out to Kelly, for finding this little gem of Guinea Culture.

I want to eat this Guinea!

Cakes have been on the brain lately. Cake Wrecks, Burger Cakes, Yeti Cakes... but the best cake is the one Flickr user mildredmittens created. I have admired this cake for ages, look at the details! Cutest ever! I would almost be scared to eat it!

A great use of cute guineas! You can read about the antics of mildredmittens' guineas on their blog here.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Once Upon a GP

So seeing the Wonder Pets beanie baby reminded me of a show I used to watch as a child. Actually this show is probably why I refer to Guineas as GPs all the time. It stars Hammy the Hamster and pals including a Guinea.. called GP! GP was an inventor. All I really remember is that it is live action animals with human voices. Also I remember that it was AWESOME.

Upon researching this (because all I could remember about the show is that there was (A) a TALKING GUINEA and (B) a hamster named Hammy) I realized there were a number of versions of this show: "Hammy the Hamster", "Tales of the RiverBank" and "Once Upon a Hamster" and more recently, a movie -- which you can bet I will be watching soon.

Guinea Babies

I came across the beanie baby above at Family Fare the other day. Sometimes it is hard to tell if they are going for 'Guinea Pig' or 'Hamster,' but it is actually supposed to be Linny from Wonder Pets.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Let's Go Red Wings

Jim and I are off to Detroit to see the Wings. An appropriate time therefore, to share this picture of Maple Dip (RIP) and her buddie Rally Al.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This Guy

Want to see the cutest GP ever? I think it might be This Guy.

Originally uploaded by Is This Graham Too? on Flickr


Etsy is a hotbed of Guinea Culture. My buddy Nickelroni adopted this little man for me from here. We call him JazzTooth.

Guinea Tip #1

When traveling with your guinea pig. It is important to provide the proper documentation to authorities. (By Jimbo)

Monday, May 3, 2010


Originally uploaded by fabianguiza
on Flickr

This may be an emerging trend. This is not the first image of a giant Guinea I have seen.

I love when I find this kind of hilarious S on accident.

Guinea Lit: Barron's Guinea Pigs

I just received this ADORABLE book from my friends Katie and Jen. I mean look at that Fuzz Face! Besides the superfreakingcute GP pictures, there are some great ideas on making GP habitats and toys. I am not sure where they picked it up, but the publisher's site is here.

Scar Face

Bear's nose must have had an encounter with one of the Little Guinea's nails. I think it makes him look like even more of a Bad Ass. He seems to be quite pleased with it.

Don't worry it is healing right up... and I'm going to cut the Little G's nails today.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Shout Out to Rocky I

Since I was a child I have always had Guinea Pigs. Thinking back I cringe to think what that first little GP went through. There was an incident with a bucket of soapy water and an afternoon left in the Fisher Price Toy Barn (to name a few...). But because of that brave soul Rocky I, our love for Guinea Pigs continues to this day. At the age of 27, I now have two young GPs and they are my 7th and 8th. Bear and TimBit Patrick Chumley aka 'The Baby' (we haven't exactly nailed down the name for this one) have been with me since January, 2010 and are about 3.5 and 3 months old respectively. I will assure you, my level of Guinea Pig care has improved greatly since Rocky I's time. I am not sure exactly what I plan to write in this blog, but I want to have a place where Guinea Pigs in popular culture can be shared and enjoyed. I think they are wonderful pets when cared for correctly and given proper care and attention. So that being said, I will leave you with this image of Rocky I... the Guinea who started it all.